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Home / Products / MICRO-COMPLETE



A concentrated blend of beneficial Lactobacillus and Bifido bacteria, yeast, and digestive enzymes for use in poultry, swine, ruminant, and horse rations


Features & Benefits


• Enhances growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract
• Assists in preventing digestive upsets caused by pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella
• Improves performance as measured by growth rate, milk production, egg production, and feed efficency
• Improves ration digestion
• Improves feed palatability resulting in increased feed intake
• In ruminant animals, yeast is especially favorable because it stabilizes the pH of the rumen, prevents
acidosis, and stimulates rumen microbial growth and oxygen scavenging, thus creating more favorable
conditions for anaerobic microorganisms
• Provides combination of synergistic microbials in one package
• Manufactured in the United States of America


directions For Use

Add at the following rates for the following:

Poultry: Starter/Breeder – 1 kg/ton Grower/Finisher/Layer – 500 g/ton

Swine: Starter/Breeder – 1 kg/ton Grower/Finisher – 500 g/ton

Dairy: Calf – 1 kg/ton, Lactation – 10 g/head/day

Horse: Weanling/Grower – 2 kg/ton, Gestation/Lactation – 1 kg/ton


1 kg pouches


Poultry, Swine, Ruminant, Equestrian

*May not be available in all markets due to regulatory restrictions
**All ingredients are Generally Recognized As Safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration.  There are no adverse effect, interactions or contraindications with the product.  No withdrawal time is required.



increased performance & Gut health in layer chickens

A University trial was conducted at a commercial, large-scale poultry layer farm in Vietnam to show the benefits of Micro-Complete on growth, egg production, feed efficiency, mortality, and gut health in layer chickens



  1. Two types of chickens were the target of the study, pullets from 8 to 14 weeks of age, and laying hens from 25 to 31 weeks of age.
  2. These chickens were reared in difference houses of 21,000 chickens.
  3. For each type of chicken, there were 2 groups: control group and treatment group (MICRO – COMPLETE supplementation with the dose of 500g / ton of complete feed).
  4. Other factors such as husbandry management, vaccination program was followed to farm’s schedule, and were the same for both two groups.
  5. Performance data would be collected from week 15 to 19 in pullets and 25-29 in layer.
  6. The parameters collected are described below:
        • Production indicators such as body weight, feed consumption in pullet, and egg production in layers.
        • Mortality: number of deaths per 1000 chicks could be calculated daily or aggregated into the week
        • Daily fecal scores were performed. For each group, at least 50 fecal clumps were evaluated in the scale from 0-3 (0: small and compact dropping with white cap, no sign of wetness; 1: increase size, bulky, oily, moist; 2: watery, undigested feed, loss of firmes and sloughed off mucosa; 3: No consistency at all (no shape), watery, mucus, undigested feed and foamy)
        • Intestinal microflora was evaluated by counting the number of bacteria in a gram of feces (Clostridium perfringens, Lactobacillus, coli, and Bacillus). There were 2 points of time for sampling: before the study and after the supplement for 4 weeks. For each point of sampling, 5 chickens from each group were sent to the Vet hospital (Nong Lam University) for fecal sampling and autopsy. Fecal samples were sent to the microbiological lab of the hospital to count for those bacteria following the conventional method of plate count of the lab.
        • Length of villi and depth of crypt in the duodenum: The chickens sent to the vet hospital were also performed autopsy and intestine were collected to send to the lab to make a special staining and measure the villus length and crypt depth to assess gut health of study chickens.

Results & Discussion

  1. The administration of Micro-Complete to the chickens improved the performance of the birds
  2. The birds given the Micro-Complete showed significant improvements in:
          • Higher egg production
          • Better fecal score
          • Improved intestinal microflora data by reduction of E. coli
          • Improved villi height and Crypt depth of gut

increases performance in broiler chickens

Two trials were conducted at a commercial poultry farm in the United States to show the benefits of Micro-Complete on growth, feed efficiency, and mortality in broiler chickens

Procedure – Trial 1

  1. A total of 1200 chicks were randomly assigned to twenty-four (24) pens of fifty (50) chicks each providing twelve (12) replications of each treatment
  2. All of the birds were fed the same commercial broiler feeding program
  3. The starter feed was fed for the first 21 days and contained 22% protein with salinomycin as the coccidiostat and bacitracin as a growth promoter
  4. The grower feed contained 20% protein, salinomycin and bacitracin and was fed during days 22 – 41 while the withdrawal feed containing 18% protein and bacitracin was fed during days 42 – 45
  5. Twelve (12) pens of birds served as the control while the remaining twelve (12) pens were administered Micro-Complete and served as the treatment group
  6. The Micro-Complete was added at the rate of 1000 grams per ton during the first 21 days of the trial
  7. Micro-Complete was added at the rate of 500 grams per ton during the remainder of the trial period.

Results & Discussion – Trial 1

• The administration of Micro-Complete to the chickens improved the performance of the birds
• The birds given the Micro-Complete showed a significant improvement in weight gain of 2.66%
• This increase in body weight was obtained with  a significantly improved feed efficiency when adjusted for body weight
• These results show that the administration of Micro- Complete, which assists in maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora to help maximize feed digestion and utilization and prevent digestive upsets, can be a valuable tool for improving the performance of broiler chickens

Table 1: Trial 1 Evaluation of Micro-Complete on the Performance of Broiler Chickens


Procedure – Trial 2

  1. A total of 1000 day old male chicks were assigned to twenty (20) pens of fifty (50) chicks each
  2. A commercial corn, soybean meal chick starter diet containing salinomycin was used as the control treatment and given to ten (10) pens of chicks
  3. The remaining ten (10) pens of chicks were fed the same basal diet with Micro-Complete added at a rate of 1.0 kg per ton
  4. The chicks were weighed weekly and feed consumption records maintained throughout the trial
  5. Duration of the trial was 21 days

Table 2: Trial 2 Evaluation of Micro-Complete on the Performance of Broiler Chickens


Results & Discussion – Trial 2

• The administration of Micro-Complete to the chickens improved the performance of the birds
• The birds fed the Micro-Complete diet showed an improvement in weight gain of 4.06%
• This increase in body weight was obtained with an improved feed/gain ratio of 2.48%
• These results clearly show that the administration of Micro-Complete is beneficial to the performance of broiler chickens by maximizing feed digestion and efficiency

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improves performance in swine

Three trials were conducted at a commercial swine facility in the United States to evaluate the benefits of including Micro-Complete to the diets of weaned pigs

Procedure – Trial 1

  1. A total of eighty (80) piglets averaging 5.7 kg in weight were allotted to eight (8) groups of ten (10) piglets each in the nursery
  2. Four (4) groups were fed a commercial pre-starter and starter feeding program which included porcine plasma in the formulations
  3. The other four groups were fed the same pre-starter and starter feeds with Micro-Complete added at the rate of 1 kg per ton
  4. The pre-starter feed was fed for the first 13 days post weaning followed by the starter feed which was fed for 16 days providing a total trial period of 29 days

Table 3: Trial 1 Evaluation of Micro-Complete on the Performance of Weaned Piglets


Results & Discussion – Trial 1

• Examination of the results shows that the addition of Micro-Complete to the pre-starter and starter diets markedly improved the performance of the weaned piglets
• The pigs fed the diets containing Micro-Complete grew much more rapidly resulting in an average weight of almost 3 kg more at the end of the trial
• This marked improvement in growth was obtained with an improvement in feed efficiency
• Clearly, the addition of Micro-Complete to swine feeds will result in improved performance of the pig


Procedure – Trial 2

  1. A total of 96 pigs averaging 6.5 kg were randomly assigned to twelve (12) pens of eight (8) pigs each in a growing barn
  2. The trial was initiated at weaning at 21 days age
  3. A commercial piglet starter feed which was pelleted and containing tylosin/sulfamethazine was used as the control treatment and given to six (6) pens of pigs
  4. The same commercial piglet starter feed was given to the other six (6) pens of pigs with the addition of Micro-Complete at a rate of 1 kg per ton
  5. The pigs were weighed weekly and feed consumption records maintained throughout the trial
  6. Duration of the trial was 28 days

Results & Discussion – Trial 2

• The administration of Micro-Complete to the pigs resulted in enhanced performance as measured by increased final body weight, a higher average daily gain, and increased feed intake
• The final weight of the pigs fed Micro-Complete was 1.43 kg higher than those who weren’t – an increase of 8.84%
• Similarly, the average daily gain was 14.96% higher for the pigs that were given the Micro-Complete
• The pigs fed the Micro-Complete diet consumed 62 g more feed per day, which is an increase of 14.39%
• These results clearly show that the administration of Micro-Complete to pigs is very beneficial to swine performance.

Table 4: Trial 2 Evaluation of Micro-Complete on Swine Performance


Procedure – Trial 3

  1. A total of 1200 piglets averaging 5.4 kg were housed in sixty (60) pens of twenty (20) piglets each
  2. Half of the piglets (600) were fed a commercial, pelleted corn-soy diet
  3. The other half of the piglets (600) were fed the same commercial, pelleted corn-soy diet with Micro-Complete added at a rate of 1.0 kg per ton
  4. The pigs were weighed weekly and feed consumption records maintained throughout the trial
  5. Duration of the trial was 56 days

Table 5: Trial 3 Evaluation of Micro-Complete on Swine Performance


Results & Discussion – Trial 3

• The administration of Micro-Complete to the piglets resulted in increased final body weight, a higher average daily gain, and a better feed/gain ratio thus improving the performance of the pigs
• The weight gain of the pigs who were given Micro-Complete was 3.91% higher than the pigs fed the control diet
• Similarly, the average daily gain was 4.81% higher for the pigs that were given the Micro-Complete
• This increase in daily gain was obtained with a 3.17% improvement in feed/gain ratio
• The results show that the administration of Micro-Complete to pigs is very beneficial and should be considered a valuable tool for increasing performance.


Improved dairy performance

A trial was conducted at a commercial dairy farm in the United States to show the ability of Micro-Complete to increase performance in dairy cattle


  1. A study was conducted at a major U.S. dairy where a total of one hundred (100) mid-lactation, Holstein cows were randomly assigned to two (2) groups of fifty (50) cows each
  2. One (1) group of cows served as the control while the other group was administered Micro-Complete and served as the treatment group
  3. All of the cows were fed the same commercial dairy feeding program consisting primarily of corn silage (45.0%), soybean meal (22.0%), and citrus pulp (18.0%). The remaining portion of the dry matter feed (15.0%) consisted of a blend of various vitamins and minerals
  4. Micro-Complete was added to the feed of the treatment group at the rate of 1,000 grams per ton for the duration of the trial which was sixty (60) days
  5. After day sixty (60), dry matter intake, milk yield, milk fat content, and milk protein contents were all measured and recorded for both groups of cows.

Table 6: Evaluation of Micro-Complete on Dairy Performance


Results & Discussion

• As the results indicate, the addition of Micro-Complete to the dairy feed was beneficial to the performance of the cows as seen in both increased dry matter intake and milk yield
• The increased dry matter intake (a gain of 3.9%) increased milk yield by 1.0 kg (a gain of 3.4%) with no loss in feed efficiency
• Increased dry matter intake is desirable because the more food the cow is consuming (more nutrients), the higher their milk yield will be and this is shown in the data
• The decreased fat content of the milk between the control and the treatment is minuscule and thus the data should be generally interpreted that there is little to no change
• Fat content secondly, is in most cases, somewhere around 3.5% give/take a ½ a percent so the fact that this number is just slightly under 3.5%, combined with the fact that there is higher milk yield, ultimately the cow is providing more milk at the same generally accepted quality level of milk
• Again, the difference of 0.08% is small enough that that can almost be considered part of the experimental margin of error rather than simply poor results, as it is < 1/10th of 1.0% difference
• Clearly, the addition of Micro-Complete to any dairy feeding program will benefit the performance of the cattle, thus maximizing farm profitability



A in vitro trial was conducted to evaluate the stability of the bacteria in Micro-Complete when exposed to elevated temperatures such as would be encountered during the pelleting process of animal feeds.


  1. Micro-Complete was added to a typical corn-soybean meal animal feed formulation
  2. Three (3) samples were taken from the feed
  3. One (1) sample was kept at ambient temperature and served as the Control sample
  4. The other two (2) samples were then placed in an oven for a period of three (3) minutes
  5. For one of the samples, the oven temperature was 75 degrees C. while the oven temperature of the final sample was 85 degrees C.
  6. Both of the heated samples were allowed to cool to ambient temperature when removed from the oven. Thus the bacteria were exposed to temperatures which would be similar to most pelleting process for the period of three (3) minutes

Table 7: Evaluation of Bacteria Stability in Mirco-Complete During Pelleting Process


Results & Discussion

• Although Lactobacillus bacteria are naturally susceptible to the loss of viability when exposed to elevated temperatures, the bacteria used in Micro-Complete proved to be exceptionally stable to the elevated temperatures that would be expected to occur during pelleting
• Examination of the results shows that even when exposed to the 85 degrees C. temperature, a rather large amount of the bacteria remained viable (>30%)
• Thus when Micro-Complete is used in pelleted feeds, the benefits expected from Micro-Complete will be obtained.      




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  • ProByn’s top-quality products and superior packaging keeps our customers happy and returning for more.

    Ashfaq Ahmad Asi, Ali Poultry Enterprises, Pakistan

  • Their approach to increase farm production efficiency without relying too much on pharmaceutical products and antibiotic products is not just a marketing gimmick, their natural solutions is backup by research papers. If you prefer natural solution to farm production efficiency, Probyn is probably one of the name that you can’t do without.

    Wong Chuan Wei, Progress Bio Pharma, Malaysia

  • One of the secrets to our success is our partnership with Probyn. We have become one of the leading providers of toxin binders in the Philippine Market today-- thanks to Probyn's Myco-Power. With Probyn at our side, we have delivered excellent service, exceptional quality, and practical pricing to our clients time and time again!

    Enrico Bunyi, Supervet, Philippines

  • Over 400,000 kilograms of Myco-Power, the superior prebiotic product of ProByn, have fed millions of birds and thousands of cattle achieving complete customer satisfaction through the combined effects of toxin binding, alleviating the [negative] symptoms, and improving growth performance rate.

    Dr. Shoukry Atallah, Sure Pharmaceutica, Egypt