Mycotoxin Binders
Advanced mycotoxin management solutions to protect your livestock and maximize feed efficiency, safeguarding your investment and securing a prosperous future for your farm.
Get Control Over Toxins In Your Feed
Mycotoxins can wreak havoc on livestock health and productivity, posing serious challenges for farmers and feed millers. And let's face it, all animal feed no matter where it is sourced from, contains mycotoxins.
That's why it's crucial to have reliable, high-quality solutions for mycotoxin control that are also cost-effective. Our products are specifically designed to combat these toxins, ensuring your animals stay healthy and your operation is producing the highest quality product possible.
We offer a wide range of mycotoxin binder solutions to fit every farm's need and requirements from low-cost, low-inclusion products to highly complex and premium binding technology products.
Learn more about the devestating effects of mycotoxicosis, how it affects the animals we eat, and how Probyn aims to combat these problems through our toxin binder product range.
Learn more about the devestating effects of mycotoxicosis, how it affects the animals we eat, and how Probyn aims to combat these problems through our toxin binder product range.
Mycotoxin Binder Product Catalog
A highly absorbent hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) for use in animal feeds as a mycotoxin binder.
Pro-Bond Max
A concentrated source of mannose oligosaccharides (MOS) derived from the cell wall of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in combination with highly absorbent hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) for use in animal feeds as a mycotoxin binder.
A combination of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS), the natural humates, humic and fulvic acids, and mannose oligosaccharides (MOS) derived from the cell wall of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in animal feeds as a mycotoxin binder.
A concentrated source of mannose oligosaccharides (MOS) derived from the cell wall of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in animal feeds as a mycotoxin binder.
A concentrated source of mannose oligosaccharides (MOS) derived from the cell wall of yeast Sacchaormyces cerevisiae and the natural humates, humic and fulvic acid, for use in animal feeds as a mycotoxin binder.
*May not be available in all markets due to regulatory restrictions. This content is based on United States laws and regulations applicable on the day of publication of this content. We point out that customers are required to ensure that any labeling and claims made by customers for their finished products must be based on the regulatory requirements and scientific standards of the country in which the final products are offered for sale.
Probyn Toxin Binder Comparison Guide
See how our mycotoxins compare to one another to better help determine the right choice for your operation.
Got a Question?
For general inquiries, questions, or more information about our products or services, please reach out. We are eager to serve you.